SAGITTARIUS WOMAN (23rd November to 22nd December)A tall slim and graceful woman who walked proudly like she is walking in a beauty pageant competition. If she slips or nearly falls, she will nicely covered it up and continue with her graceful and impressive walking step. She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty. She looks at the world positively, so her face always seem so happy. She will not get up set easily. Self confident woman who belief in her own style. She will not follow fashion, but standing in between simplicity and too modern. She is a very open person, sometimes can be too blunt. She is an honest person and never try to cause troubles for any one.
She likes to say something that you do not want to hear and yet she can say something so pleasing at the same time. Example she may say "I wish you could make more money, so you could afford better cloth, but anyway it is better this way. If you make more money you could be thinking of money too much and become greedy".
She can say such thing and make you wonder if you should get up set or love her more. She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home. She likes to be protected, but not to give her orders. She has no respect to a weak man. If she try to over powered you, then you have to calm her down and try to control her to be in a limit by doing the same thing too. She will listen if she respect you. She likes to be herself and like her guy to be himself.

She is a no nonsense woman, so you will not hear she says " Guess what I will do next", or "Guess what I am thinking" because she always say what she is thinking out loud like a guy. If you do not understand her in this matter, you could easily break up with her. She sees problems in her love life as another funny story. She is clumsy and it is in her nature. You may think it is cute, but for some neat guys this could be so unbearable. She is very friendly, so she can easily turn her enemy to be her friends. She has good taste in fine cloths, good food, first class and first services.
Even a poor woman in this Zodiac will struggle to afford such good taste. She could spent lots of money as if she can not understand how difficult it is to make money. If you think of let her borrow money, think again. She is a paranoid. If she thinks you like her, she may already think about getting marry and lost her freedom and so on and on. A jolly woman who loves sports. She is an ordinary woman who could dress like a tomboy. She has more guy friends and sometimes could act like one of a guy. She does not care about rumors, so she can get home very late and couldn't careless what her neighbor will gossip about her. She thinks either good or bad, you will know it yourself , so you should not bother what people think. Her wit and innocent look are her charms. She is often hurts from love, but never afraid to look for a new one as if she is singing "Do that to me one more time". She likes going straight and being straight forward. She will not go around to get what she wants, or beat around the bush just to say something. If you meet her and tell her straight what you think, she will admire you.
Physical Appearance
it is a fixed and Fiery sign of Zodiac. The ladies born under this sign as Ascendant will hve a well proportioned and well developed body. Tall slender. long or ovalface. Large forehead, high or bushy eye brows, long nose, bright expressive blue or hazel eyes. Normally clear complexion, charming, graceful look and handsome figure, Double chin, open and cheerful featurs inviting friendship and the exchange of ideas. Stray lock of hair falling on the forehead, inclining to baldness.
Mental Tendencies
You are normally restless. Generous, bold, good hearted, pushful, ambitious, greedy and aspiring . Good hearted, pushful, ambitious, greedy and aspiring. Good tempered, frank charitable and freindly. You look to the bright sides of the things. You hate to sit or stand still. You love animals passionately. Love speed, fast cars, aeroplanes and drive the vehicles magnetically. Dauntless and have self confidence. Active and enterprising, sympathetic, humane and somewhat impulsive. Fond of travelling, voyage, outdoor sports and exercises. Blessed with energy to face obstacles.
You Sagittarian blondes are not timid, you will not flutter norfear and tremble even in adverse circumstances. Act after deep consideration. You are frank and honest, warm and generous. You have lot of loyal friends who love you. Loves liberty, independence and freedom which are your best traits. Humorous and honourable. You will never tell a lie.
God fearing and religious. Blessed with power of intuition and prophetic dreams. Respectful to law, religion and customs. Very independent, so you can not stand weak, wishy washy men and you can not give up your individuality for any male. You can be mistaken to treat friendship as love or vice versa, Your. outspoken and bluntness naturally cause misunderstandings. Your pride rescues you from a crisis. You show a raging, righteous anger when your integrity is doubted. You can not deceit anybody. A truthful guy.
Health And Diseases
Generally Sagittarius enjoys good health. In case of any affliction you are liable to suffer from gout, rheumatic pain, hip fracture, lung troubles, Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius causes fracture of bones and also ulcer in the thigh needing operation. Also one may suffer from Pulmonary appoplexy.
Finances and Fortune
You will be rich with full comforts of life, quickly and have gain without pain. If Jupiter is not afflicted politics will prove lucky. Being bright and intelligent you like frequent changes, to work with free hand rather to be ordered to do, You do not prefer to sit tight at one place and work.
Romance And Marriage
Your married life will be generally happy and prosperous. You make friendship with all due to your sweet smiles and quick wit. More interested in outdoor life than home, with much interest in children as age advances. You independence should not be curbed lest you vecome obstinate and strong Willed. You enjoy being protected, but do not want to be ordered around.
Your husband need not to be annoyed over your actions of frank ways with man as you are not going to play any silly games. In case your friend has intention to marry you O' Saattarian girl; it is his very honourable intention. You are breezy and unconventional in your relations with them.
Domestic Environments
You will not interfere in your husband's affairs, you will not suggest unless asked for but of adjustable nature, helpful to your husband, calm, clever, competent and considerate. Polite to husband and often advise him when he is wrong. A reliable, dutiful, obedient, pleasant and intelligent lady you are.
Ideal Match
Sagittarians are best suited to Sagittarians and to Gemini, Leo, Aries born persons and will have better understanding with Libra and Aquarius.
Traits to be Corrected
Be moderate and do not hate your relations, parents and brothers. Exaggeration and continuous speech without truth, false promises, insulting or hurting others are your basic traits, which be avoided. Your behaviour will be inconsiderate at times. Care for your family in addition to outdoor activities. Do not be of vindictive mind. You disturb the people in unnecessary way and you change your opinion often, which needs correction.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colors
Wednesday, Friday, Thursday and Sunday are lucky days. Monday will cause anxiety and troubles. Tuesday, loss and extravagant. Saturday indicates slow, steady progress and assistance from others.
Lucky numbers are 6, 3, 5, and 8. Avoid 2,7 and 9.Passive numbers are 1 and 4.
Lucky and favourable Colours are white, cream, green, orange, light blue and emerald. Avoid red, pearl and black. Day of Fast is Thursday.